Wednesday, 12 March 2008

I wonder if I am feeding her enough?

I heard lots of squeaks of joy coming from the kitchen just now, and found this:

Sometimes I wonder if I am feeding her enough! (She only just had lunch).
Off to the shops for more bread we go then.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Lovely mum!

I had such a nice day today. Brett was in London for the day, so my mum came over. We had planned to go out somewhere, but the weather was rubbish. My brother Sam (see upside down pics from a few days ago) and his girlfriend Sarah popped in for a bit. Emma thought that it was great to see so many people!!

On the BLW side of things (because it has been a while since I did an update about that) Emma had her first go at pesto today. She absolutely loved it! Another favourite these days is raisins in little boxes - the Sunmaid ones that everyone used to have in pack lunches. (Or was that just my family!!)

I finished yet another sewing project off yesterday. I chopped up a wrap, and turned it into a mei tai. I am so pleased with it - it is super supportive in a front carry, and really quick to put on for a back carry. And even better - here is my mum to model it for you! (I love this photo).

And here is a rubbish photo of Emma and I to show the reverse colours. I am really so pleased with this carrier. I feel like going and chopping up a load more wraps now!!

Friday, 7 March 2008

The postman's been!

We had a lovely post day today. Loads of nice post, and no bills! New sewing machine needles for me, a music thing for Brett, some info about our new house, a rental DVD, and a new wrap all the way from Norway!
I took some sweet photos of Emma while I was opening it...

hmmm - what could this be?

ooooo - another silk blend wrap for the collection? mmmm - soft and snuggly! (I am going to have to get some of these dyed at some point!) Yeah yeah - to the untrained eye they may all look the same, but trust me - one has flowers, one has babycarrying women, and one is a really fancy schmancy weave! :-)

Sooooooo comfy! I am really happy with it!

ETA - This cardi seems to be featuring rather prominently in Emma's wardrobe at the moment! I promise, I do wash it sometimes too! :-)

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Upside down

Good news - we found ourselves a lovely house to move to in Abingdon. OK, so it is not quite as beautiful and unique as our Godalming house, but it has lots of space and a great garden. It is close enough to walk to the centre of town too. So now the packing commences... I am really not looking forward to this! (I can just see Emma unpacking the boxes as fast as I can pack them!!)

Emma is still not walking on her own, but is cruising around the furniture quite happily. She looks like she could walk on her own if she realised that it was a good idea, but she always seems to want to hold on. It will come in time. Her new favourite game is hanging upside down. She sits on my knees and flings herself backwards. It is a bit disconcerting if you are not expecting it (or when she starts doing it while she is in the sling... in a shop... full of people staring!!!) but she giggles insanely and seems to love the way the world looks the other way up. Here she is in action!

And here she is having fun with my brother Sam. :-)