In my bid to get Emma to eat vegetables instead of always wanting fruit, I did some boiled carrots and cauliflower for her today. I didn't boil it for very long though, so it didn't turn to mush when she tried to pick it up. (See, I am learning!)

Tegan (our cat) looked like she wanted to play too.
Emma is obviously not a great fan of cauliflower and carrots. Here is what happened to most of it.

But, I am definately starting to get wise to this. I had only put half of it on her tray! So, I gave her the other half, and eventually she decided to eat some. She had most of a carrot stick, but no cauliflower. I shared a pear with her for dessert. I had my first super scary gagging experience with her after she took a really huge bite. She was soooooooooo sick!! But she didn't seem bothered. I took her out of her highchair, cleaned her up a bit, and then she just wanted to go back to playing. Here she is 10 minutes later...
1 comment:
Im sure she will take to everything
soon, my blw babes eats everything
and its now a family joke.
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