The house is everything I could have hoped for and more. (I didn't see it in real life before moving here. Mad I know). It is so tiny and cosy, the garden is twice as big as I thought it was. It is quiet and peaceful, and the walk to town is nice. There are so many places for us to walk and feed the ducks around here... I have totally fallen in love with the place.
Emma has coped with everything really well. The first night that we got here was spent at my Mum's house. The next evening, Brett arrived with all our stuff. That was a very late night, and Emma ended up sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Then she had one night in her own bed and we were off to Cornwall for 5 days. Poor wee thing didn't know if she was coming or going! But she has really settled down now. Funny thing is, she seems to be sleeping better than ever - 2 good long naps during the day (she used to cat nap in 30 minute bursts, but now it is 1.5 hours twice a day) and still sleeping well at night. I wonder how long this will last...
The biggest news from Emma is that she is sitting up on the floor now. She can't quite get there on her own yet, but if I help her to sit up then she can stay there for 15 mins or so. It is great - there are so many more games we can play this way!
On the eating front, all is going well. I have finally introduced the concept of a spoon. I really enjoy the BLW approach, but was finding it rather limiting. There is some food that you just can't eat with your fingers! OK - so it is only really yoghurt and porridge at the moment, but I eat a lot of these so it is great if Emma does too. The thing is, she absolutely will not let me spoon feed her. I have to load the spoon, give it to her, and let her feed herself. I have not graduated to letting her have the yoghurt pot to load the spoon herself yet. For goodness sake - we are living in rented accomodation now. I can't afford to get the carpets cleaned every week because Emma has coated them in porridge! Maybe it is something we can work towards! Here is a photo of Em enjoying her first yoghurt.
Lots more to come... I am going to do a seperate post about Cornwall later tonight.
1 comment:
Yah on the sitting, i admit i really love when they start to be more independant - its so much more fun. We do a spoon to sometimes although like Emma Eilidh does't really let us do it (this was our whole reason for starting BLW in the first place) - ohh and welcome back to the UK
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