Saturday, 19 January 2008

The perils of impending toddlerhood

Poor Emma... She really wants to walk. Trouble is, she can't actually stand up on her own yet.

This week though, for the first time, she managed to pull herself up to stand by the sofa. I had lined up a bunch of cuddly toys along with some things she is not normally allowed but is intrigued by (remote controls, mobile phone, etc). The look of determination she gets on her face is fantastic - she looks, sizes up the problem, scrabbles up onto her knees, sticks her tongue out, and heaves herself up.

Her crawling is still comando style, but so quick now. All this new mobility is leading to a few accidents though.
She has a bruise on her cheek from crawling at top speed into a closing door...
She has a bruise on her chin from where the poor unsuspecting gas man opened a door while she was camped out behind it...
And today she added a bruise over her eye where she fell over face down on the foot of her wooden high chair.

My poor baby. It breaks my heart a little bit every time she hurts herself. I hope she learns quickly!

So, no photos for today - I didn't really want to show off her bruisy face. Sure she will be better in no time though.

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Poor Emma, sounds like life is tough for her just now. Them hurting is never fun