Baby led weaning, baby wearing, and other escapades.
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Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Another sewing show off
Brett got me a shiny new sewing machine for my birthday. I finished my first project today! It reverses to teal silk with a pink hood. It is super comfy, and I am really pleased with it.
Baby-led weaning (BLW) means letting your child take the initiative when it comes to introducing solids, by offering finger foods instead of spoon feeding purees. The theory is that a baby will eat when he/she is physically ready. BLW has been researched and pioneered by Gill Rapley (UNICEF). Here are her guidelines. BLW is slow going, and both Emma and I have lots to learn! But it is great to be able to share our meals together at such an early age, and hopefully this will lead to good healthy eating habits for my little girl.
Key Points
The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends that babies are exclusively breast-fed for the first 6 months.
Wait until the baby is able to sit upright, with minimal support.
Offer a variety of food... but make sure it is healthy!
Don't rush! The baby will need time to explore the new sensations of chewing and eating.
Make sure that food is a shape that can be easily grasped and chewed.
So cute, your so talented.
well done,it looks lovely!
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