Monday 24 December 2007

I can't believe it is Christmas Eve already!

We have been madly busy getting ready for Christmas. We didn't actually buy anything really big for Emma this year - but seem to have got her loads of little bits and pieces. Needless to say it has taken ages to wrap them all up! I have also been busy making presents (will divulge fully after Christmas because I don't want to give away a surprise).

We are off to my Mum's for Christmas dinner this year. Thing is, Christmas dinner is my absolute favourite meal to cook. So, to compensate, I have been making some bits to take some of the pressure off Mum tomorrow. I have made cranberry sauce, Yorkshire puddings, a cheesecake, stuffing, and some really gorgeous cranberry jam tarts. I am ready for a rest tonight!

I am looking forward to Emma's reaction tomorrow. She knows something is going on, and is obsessed with the Christmas tree! I hope she lets us have a little sleep in though - she has been up very early the last few mornings. She seems to be developing so much at the moment which probably accounts for it. She clapped for the first time today, she is chattering more and more, and yesterday she instigated a game of peekaboo with me by holding up the towel herself in front of her face and peeking out at me. It was priceless!

No photos today I'm afraid, but I am sure there will be lots from tomorrow!

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