Sunday, 26 August 2007

New things for the weekend

Sorry - no photos today, because my camera battery was flat.

This weekend has been full of first time experiences for Emma. We tried breakfast for the first time. Weetabix without milk (waste of time - she crushed it into oblivion within 3 mins), Weetabix with milk (disaster - turned to cement), and toast (absolute hit!!).

For other meals, she had her first tomato (ok, but they were cherry tomatoes and I think she would do better with slices of bigger ones), cheese (totally unimpressed), nectarines (she loved them), and pitta bread (very nice to suck on).

Things got really exciting on Sunday, when Emma had her first Sunday Roast. She had roast potatoes, carrots, and cauliflower. I didn't give her any meat, because it was a pork roulade with a very questionably spicy stuffing. I did share a Yorkshire Pudding with her though. (I made them with no added salt). I really wish I had my camera for it. I have never seen her so excited about food!! It is a definate new favourite. Oh no... my little girl is already getting to like her carbs. This could be a slippery slope! :-)

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

New food are always fun - my 9 month old is just eating weetabix with milk and nectarines as i type. I just add milk to the weetabix and let her feed herself the mush.
You may be surprized with babies and spicy things - Eilidh will happily take the spiciest of things but look out if she gets some in her eye