I can't believe the progress we have made in just a month. So far, Emma has tried pear, apple, plum, peach, orange, nectarine, mango, tomato, fig, banana, cucumber, brocolli, cauliflower, carrot, potato, butternut squash, pak choi, runner beans, sweet potato, chicken, steak, rice cakes, noodles, pasta, humus, philadelphia, cheese, toast, pancake, Yorkshire pudding, and weetabix. Oooooops - I think I read somewhere that I was supposed to introduce new foods slowly... that is one new food for every day of the month!
She has never turned her nose up at anything really, and considering that she has no teeth yet I think she is doing remarkably well! She is still breastfeeding, and isn't showing signs of dropping any feeds yet, but I think that will happen in its own time. She is not drinking water with her meals yet. To be honest, I have been a bit lazy about this, and she is not used to a cup yet. I am going to tackle this one hopefully in the next month. She only has solid food offered at lunch and dinner at the moment. Sometimes lunch is a bit of a non starter, but dinner is always good. I think that eating together as a family really makes a difference.
We are moving house in two weeks, and then going on holiday. Emma really loves familiar surroundings (like any baby!) and so I expect her to be a bit unsettled and off her food for a bit then. Time will tell!
So... I wonder what the next month will bring! The rate she is going, she will be cooking her own dinner by the time she is 10 months! :-)
Happy 7 months, we just ignored the new food every couple of days rule to - there is no histroy of allergies in either side of the family so i was't bugged. We never gave my eldest a sippy till about 9/10 months as did't feel she needed it - yah on still breastfeeding, do you plan to self wean?
Good - I am glad I am not the only one who didn't take this advice too seriously! Emma did get a rash, but I think that was just from slathering food all over her face and not actually an allergy.
On the self weaning front, I hope that is the way it happens. I never like to plan these things though - We will just see how it goes.
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