Monday, 3 September 2007

Adventurous dinner

We got a bit adventurous with dinner today. I did a really nice chicken stir fry for me and Brett. It was full of ginger and chilli though, so I kept some bits to one side for Emma. In theory, I don't have any problem with her having ginger or a little bit of chilli. But her skin still looks quite sore, and if I had a rash I would be very unhappy if I got chilli in it!!

So for dinner tonight Emma had yellow peppers, pak choi, and chicken. I thought she was showing that she wanted to be a vegetarian, because she totally ignored it. She had sucked the living daylights out of the peppers, so out of boredom I dumped some noodles on her tray. This seemed to be the most exciting thing she had ever seen! (Sorry the pics are a little dark - I had the flash off).

After sucking on some noodles, and having a right laugh throwing them about the place, she found the chicken. Once it was in her mouth, she couldn't get enough of it. She is definately a meat eater!

It was a long dinner. Emma was pretty tired by the end of it.

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

I never even think about not giving the children chilli , just feed away - i guess i don't make it to spicy though. Glad she liked her chicken