Monday, 8 October 2007

Breakfast - no thanks!

We are having a bit of a problem with breakfast at the moment. Basically, it just doesn't happen. I have tried, but the timing of it just doesn't work out, and she is not interested. Recently, Emma has started to master the art of eating with a spoon, so I thought I would start sharing my porridge with her. This morning was our first go.

When she eventually got some in her mouth, the face she pulled showed me immediately that this was unlikely to work. I tried a bit more, but she clearly didn't like it. I had one pear left in the fruit bowl, so I decided to mash half of that into it to see if this would help. I love these pears, and I had been looking forward to having the last one with my lunch! But if it means getting Emma to eat breakfast then the sacrifice is worth it! ;-)

That didn't work either... she was still not interested. So I gave her what was left of the pear. That ended up on the dining room floor. The only thing she was interested in eating for breakfast was her own bib.

Lets hope that tomorrow is more successful! Maybe we will have toast instead.

We did have one big breakthrough today though. A bit later on in the morning, I noticed that Emma was looking tired. It was 9.30 which is about the time she normally goes for a nap. Usually, I have to feed, rock, cuddle and coax her to sleep, then put her in the cot when she is absolutely zonked and sneak away. We had done this for just about every sleep in the last 8 months. But we were playing on my bed at the time and she looked like she was going to fall asleep. So, I put her in the cot, and she drifted off to sleep on her own! To those who don't have problems getting their kids off to sleep, this probably sounds like nothing. But believe me, this is brilliant news for me! I will try the same again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Yah on the sleeping, my 11 month old is wonderful at self settling, but my 28 month old still cannot do it so i know how wonderful it is when they do it