I heard on the news that there is a lack of holly with berries this year. Well, I live in an old cemetary (yes really!!) and our garden is fully of berrified holly. So I chopped a load down to decorate the lounge this afternoon. We have bought a little Christmas tree too - I wanted a huge one, but I guess it is not the most practical idea. I can just picture Emma trying to climb up it... I am rubbish at decorating trees. All the lights have ended up at the bottom, and it looks like it might topple over. I will have a better go at it tomorrow and post some festive pictures.
I spoke to my gorgeous friend Cath today for the first time in ages. She was pregnant at the same time as me. Telling each other about our respective pregnancies was one of those phone calls I will never forget. ("What you're pregnant.... weeheee... congratulations... um...not wanting to steal your thunder, but so am I!!!") Since then, we have been totally rubbish and only seen each other once when we went to the peak district for a sensible (!) late pregnancy holiday. Her little one is almost a year old, and I still haven't met her. So, we have decided that when we drive up to see Brett's parents after Christmas, we will stop off half way and meet them for lunch. I can't wait - it will be lovely to get together after such a long time.
Enough rambling for one weekend. This has been quite a bitty post! Here is a rather random picture of Emma for today. This was taken while we were visiting my dad in the Netherlands last week. It is in Vroom & Dressman (a department store) in Den Haag. This chair just looked perfect for her.

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