Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Its been too long

I just realised how long it is since I updated the blog. So much for me trying to do it more often! :-S

Things have been pretty busy around here over the last few weeks... So this is a kind of bitty post, just to update about what has been going on. The usual pictorial service will be resumed this afternoon. (Because I have some photos that I really want to share!)

I had the first sling meet at my place a couple of weeks ago. It was really nice, but my place is just too small for all those kids! So, with the help of a friend, I found a local hall for the next one. It is booked, and now I need to get on and do some flyers for it.

In the same week as the sling meet, I went to my first English La Leche League meeting. Emma decided to sleep in my arms for most of it, so I didn't get to talk to many people, but it was nice to meet other mothers from around the area.

I had this crazy idea about making Christmas presents this year. We have a lot less money than last year, and to be honest it seems a bit inappropriate for a variety of reasons to go mad with presents. But time is ticking on and I have only managed to do one so far. I won't say what it is though - I don't want to give it away for the intended recipient. Hopefully I will get time to make one or two more.

Last week, Emma got really sick. Brett and I both had colds recently, and Emma got it too. But then last week she started wheezing and was having difficulty breathing. It was really scary, so I took her to the doctors and was told she had bronchiolitus. She made a super fast recovery thank goodness, and seems right as rain now.

And the final busy thing was that we popped back over to the Netherlands for a little visit. I didn't really see many people, because the weather was horrible and we were staying in Den Haag with my Dad rather than Amsterdam where all our friends are. I ended up only spending a couple of hours in Amsterdam! I did get to visit my gorgeous cat Tegan though. Her pet passport is in progress, but for the time being she needs to stay put in the Netherlands. We hope to have her back soon. Emma was so lovely when she saw Tegan, and started chattering to her straight away! :-) We stayed at my Dad's place, and it has a lot of open floor space which Emma really loved. She looks like she is going to crawl properly any day soon!

(Laura (Amsterdam Laura that is) - I haven't mentioned your visit in this post, because I am saving that and all the lovely photos we took for this afternoon - I can only write so much in one go!)

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Think everyone is just busy this time of year, i love the idea of making presents but well im so not handy in anyway