Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Wish List

OK - this post is more for me than for you lot out there!

Since I stopped working, money is obviously a little tighter than it used to be. Most of my money goes on baby slings these days. So, I thought it would be fun to write down which ones I want to save towards, and then have a look again later in the year to see how fickle I actually am! (Actually, this idea is shamelessly borrowed from another poster on the TBW forum!) I am planning to do a bit of ebay selling to help me fund this lot!

(Some people don't understand why I have so many wraps. However, I use them all and each has its own use. If I don't use one for a while, I sell it on - they have great resale value! I use one every time I leave the house, and several times a day in the house. So, they are really like a piece of clothing for me. Enough justification I think!!)

Here goes...

Didymos Millefiore with silk (seide) (size 5 or 6) - Well, it is a wrap blended with 30% silk. What more do I need to say - it is so me! I think it is limited edition too, so I had better get a move on with this one.

Didymos Jim (size 6) - Really elegant colour, goes with everything, and very sturdy. The name does a lot for me too.

Girasol Moccha Berry (any size!) - Very pretty colours. Girasols are lovely and wide, so great for back and rebozo carries.

KatiWrap Girasol Black and White (4.6m) - I actually want to cut this up and sew it into a mei tai! It might seem like an expensive way of buying fabric, but wraps make such good mei tai straps. I love the idea of making a black and white one that will go with anything.

And some of the more difficult to find ones...

Indio Malve, Silver or Almond Flower (size 6) - Just so pretty!

Nino Anthrazite or Malve (size 5 or 6) - Made with wool, really soft and warm!

hmmmm - is this bordering on obsessive? :-)

Well, if it is then here are a few older pictures of Emma showing why we like them so much!

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Good luck in getting what you want, i sware Eilidh is the one child in the world who refuses to be worn. These days if i so much as look a sling she screams.

Good luck with bringing in the extra cash, im trying the paid for blogging just now which can be good if you work at it