Friday 4 January 2008

I can't turn my back for a minute!

Emma is really mobile these days. Her favourite place to be is where ever she shouldn't be. Her favourite things to play with are things that don't belong to her (remote controls, mobile phones, shoes, cameras, mugs, makeup... anything that is not a toy really!)

This is a photo from yesterday. I had just popped upstairs to put the laundry in the airing cupboard. When I came back, this is what I found... She really loves to play with books, but scrabble is a whole different board game. (no pun intended!)

And today, she almost pulled herself up on the sofa herself. (I gave her a helping hand in the end!) I know I know - most kids of 11 months old have been able to do that for ages, but heck - she only started crawling a couple of weeks ago!! I think she is just taking her time, and likes to still be a baby. :-) Anyway, I think this is the end of life as we know it. Once she can get up to the sofa, where are we supposed to throw stuff that she shouldn't have?!!?? :-)

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Yip its the start of not being able to leave anything lying around, just wait till the climbing starts .

Thats wonderful on the almost pulling up, every child really does things at his/her own pace. Eilidh was running at 11 months but Rebecca was only starting to crawl , it was only a week or two before her first birthday she started pulling up and of course never walked till 20 months.