Thursday, 13 September 2007

Not much time for blogging

Sorry - I have been so busy with packing that I have not had a lot of time for updates. Emma has been so lovely, and plays nicely on the floor while I pack around her. I can't believe I am moving back to the UK in only 6 days!!

We have done loads of lunching recently, with varying degrees of success. We had a great moment in Panorama, when I was feeding Emma tomatoes while she sat on my knee and I was trying to eat my sandwich. She obviously thought that mine looked nicer, and grabbed my side salad and started shoving it in. Greedy guts! With no teeth, she hadn't got a hope of actually eating the lettuce, but it kept her quiet for ages.

She also had her first Stroopwafel the other day. It is a Dutch biscuit made with little thin wafers and super sticky syrup. She sucked it into a really sticky mess.

I love this photo. What you can't see is that Emma has wiped plum juice all over her arms, and she is in a right mess. She looked so pleased about it. :-)

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Big move coming, where abouts in the UK are you moving? It always shocks me how much they can eat without teeth - those gums sure get a work out