Emma's new thing is to chatter away to anything that will listen. She talks to me, to Brett, to the TV and all her toys. To the sofa, my feet, her feet, the mirror... you get the picture! At the moment everything is dada this and dada that. It is so lovely, especially when she says it to Brett when he comes into the room!
I thought Emma was going to skip crawling and go straight from sitting to walking, but just this weekend she started to commando crawl. Now she is unstoppable - she is never ever where I put her, and always where I don't want her to be! If there is a hard surface, she is next to it waggling her head around. If there is something breakable, she is trying to get her hands on it. She is just into everything at the moment, so I have to be so careful!
I will try to get some good video of all this soon! :-)
On the eating front, she has a voracious appetite at the moment and is devouring just about anything that is put on her plate.

That is, unless she is tired. She is getting into the habit of skipping naps, which always makes dinner a bit of a nightmare because she gets grumpy when she is so tired. Its just a little phase I think and I am sure we will be over it soon.

We had a lovely time this weekend. We are finally all feeling fit and healthy again after a bout of colds and flu. Our friend Amanda came down from Scotland to visit on Friday. It was so lovely to see her. Emma was quite taken with her too! We popped in to see my Mum on Saturday, and on Sunday we went to Winkworth Arboretum. The autumn colours were just lovely. Check out my gorgeous new silk mei tai baby carrier - I made this one myself and I am very proud of it!
I thought Emma was going to skip crawling and go straight from sitting to walking, but just this weekend she started to commando crawl. Now she is unstoppable - she is never ever where I put her, and always where I don't want her to be! If there is a hard surface, she is next to it waggling her head around. If there is something breakable, she is trying to get her hands on it. She is just into everything at the moment, so I have to be so careful!
I will try to get some good video of all this soon! :-)
On the eating front, she has a voracious appetite at the moment and is devouring just about anything that is put on her plate.
That is, unless she is tired. She is getting into the habit of skipping naps, which always makes dinner a bit of a nightmare because she gets grumpy when she is so tired. Its just a little phase I think and I am sure we will be over it soon.
We had a lovely time this weekend. We are finally all feeling fit and healthy again after a bout of colds and flu. Our friend Amanda came down from Scotland to visit on Friday. It was so lovely to see her. Emma was quite taken with her too! We popped in to see my Mum on Saturday, and on Sunday we went to Winkworth Arboretum. The autumn colours were just lovely. Check out my gorgeous new silk mei tai baby carrier - I made this one myself and I am very proud of it!
My wife Amy did a similar thing with our son Aidan. He grew teeth early, so it seemed to be fairly easy. Our youngest, Zoe, hasn't done as well, she does get jarred baby food every so often.
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Joe's Blog
I got brought here by the nablopomo randomizer and just wanted to say hi and that your daughter is beautiful!
Baby carrier looks great! :) I'm also a sewer but I hadn't thought of making on myself (when I actually have a baby).
She's a beautiful girl too, looks so engaged with the world! :)
I love seeing pics of them, is the "talking" fun . My Eilidh is so vocal and starting to pic up new words each day, just wait to she starts saying mama - its hard to resists and not tear up over
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