OK... well the plan was to update the blog every day in November. Last Thursday I forgot. I can't remember what was going on (it seems like ages ago!!) but I know it was a bit of a manic day. I can however remember what I was going to write, so I will save that for a rainy day!
So, on Friday, I realised that I had forgotten... and then forgot again. Can you feel a theme starting here?
Saturday came. Brett was working, and Emma was being a little on the troublesome side. (She is in super teething mode at the moment). I was wiped out by the time she went to bed. I realised that I had forgotten for the last two days, but to be completely honest I was too tired to think about it.
Then it was Sunday... and I forgot again.
Wow this feels like a "the dog ate my homework" post!! I mean really - this blogging is meant to be fun, not a chore!
So, I will pick up again for today, and see how I go. My new strategy is to try to update the blog every day. :-)
Other news in brief - Emma's teething is getting better. Her first tooth at the top made an appearance this morning! She also seems to think she can stand up... except that she can't and I have to hold her upright almost constantly. Funny thing is she still hasn't even worked out how to get from lying to sitting, so I think standing for real is a way off!
And finally, just to make up for the last few days of missing posts, here is a lovely picture that I took on Friday. I had carried Emma on my back in the wrap to the shops and back. She fell asleep, which is unusual when she is on my back - normally she just wants to look around at everything. So then I was faced with a problem. She was all wrapped up in warm clothes, and was so hot once we got inside. So, I needed to get her down and get some layers off her. But she was so asleep, and I didn't want to wake her. Somehow (and I wish I know how!!) I managed to get her off my back and onto the bed, then take some layers off without waking her up. I even then managed to get her to her own bed, and she slept for an hour. I got a sneaky photo when she was on the bed though, because she looked so sweet. (And I love the way the wrap matches the bed spread!)
1 comment:
I have had to get myself in to a routine with the posting, doing it when the girls are eating breakfast as its the only way i could keep it up. Im am looking forward to a little break soon though
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