Well what would you know it - today was a nap strike day! I actually did manage to get her to sleep this morning, but only for about 15 mins so I don't think that really counts. I was fully expecting a difficult time from her this evening, and Brett is out for the night.
OK - when I say "a difficult time" I really shouldn't moan - Emma is really such a good happy little soul most of the time. So I am a bit oversensitive when she gets grumpy from time to time!
Anyway, here is how the evening panned out in pictures:
6pm. Dinner time. Yum yum.
6.05pm. Still having dinner. But we have given up on actually eating anything now, and are just having a laugh.
6.06pm. Well that didn't last long did it!
So we went and got bathed and ready for bed...
6.45pm. zzzzzz
Ahhhhh bless her. She normally goes to bed at about 7.30!
I think I spoke too soon though - it is now 8.30pm and she has woken up. I think maybe this is going to be a long night... wish me luck!
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