Monday, 12 November 2007

Home again

Posting every day is harder than it sounds... especially when you have spent most of the day in a car, watching the M1 go by!!

Emma was good as gold yet again on the way home. I was so proud of her this weekend. I know I am lucky to have such a well behaved little girl - she very rarely crys, and almost always has a smile on her face. She sleeps through the night 99% of the time, has a good appetite and is hardly ever ill. I call her my "trainer" baby. :0)

Emma was always a quiet baby. I was looking at the notes from the maternity nurse from her first week of life the other day, and every day starts with "Emma is still very quiet!" I used to worry about it, and people used to tell me not to get used to it because it would change eventually. But she is 9 months old now, and still so placid. Put it this way - our car journey today took 5 and a half hours. We got home, had a cup of tea, put Emma back in the car and went to the supermarket. I complained much more about it than she did!! She just sat in her car seat, gave me a smile, and waved her toys at me.

We had a lovely time in Ripon with Brett's parents. We often only saw them for one day, or sometimes even just an afternoon when we lived in Amsterdam. So it was great to be able to spend some quality relaxed time there.

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Posting everyday sure can get difficult can't it? I could not be bothered last night but made myself

Having a placid child is lovely, i have one of each. As a 2 year old Rebecca is still much calmer and so well behaved compared to her peers, Emma does sound like a complete doll