Monday 17 September 2007


I have been going for lots of farewell lunches with friends recently. I can't believe we are moving back to the UK in just a couple of days. And I can't believe how much packing there is still left to do!!! We will be moving to Godalming in Surrey. It doesn't feel quite real yet - I haven't even seen the house we are moving too!!

I went to the pancake house with Laura again today. Lovely lovely! Emma was so funny - she was sitting in the high chair sucking on the table while I organised her food. Not very hygenic, but it had me in stitches!

Dad did a spot of baby sitting tonight, which gave me and Brett the rare opportunity to go out together for a few drinks with friends. I only stayed an hour, but it was really nice to have the chance to see people before leaving.

Here are Mark, John-Paul, Jeff and Brett tonight in Delmondos:

I'll miss this place, but I will be back for frequent visits. :-)

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Must be hard leaving friends behind, hope the new place is lovely