Saturday 3 November 2007


We had our town bonfire night on Friday. Brett was away for the night, so it was just me and Emma in. She went to bed like a little angel at 7.30 and I was going to settle in for an evening of movies. However, she didn't manage to stay asleep for very long with all the noise!

The poor little thing was so scared. I picked her up, wrapped her in a big blanket (a lovely crochet one that my mum made) took her into the bathroom and opened up the windows. From there, we had a fantastic view of the fireworks display.

So why am I sharing this rambling thought? Because as I was holding Emma, and watching her eyes light up in amazement at the pretty patterns in the sky, I suddenly got a little taste of what it is going to be like in a few years time when we can get all wrapped up in warm clothes, and go to the fireworks display together. I can't wait! I always loved bonfire night as a child - not the fireworks (I don't like the loud bangs even now) but because the warmth of all my wooly clothes, the cold of my cheek, the heat of the fire and the sweetness of all the toffee and marshmallows would make me feel like winter was well and truely here. And of course winter means that Christmas is just around the corner! ;-)

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Such a sweet moment, i admit i have always hated fireworks night. Thankfully my two slept great without stirring. I guess in a few years time it will be fun doing displays